Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Five Things You Didn't Know About Me

My brother says this is geeky. He might be right. I didn't even know what a meme was until recently; I thought being tagged meant you were on parole and having your movements monitored. The blogging world seems to have its own phrases and habits, and I will probably always be somewhat alien to it.

Anyway Ros at Living to Eat tagged me for this meme, where I'm meant to tell you five things you might not have known about me. Since most of the blogging world know quite little about me, apart from what I eat everyday (which I suppose could count as quite a lot, in fact) this could be very easy; the fact that my husband and brother read me might make it tricky. I've decided to try, anyway.

1. When I was little, I kept asking to change my name to Violet, in honour of the Malory Towers character. This is odd not just because the name Violet was such an inappropriate, ghastly name at the time, but also because the character in Malory Towers was an almost imperceptible ghost in the corner of the classroom, ethereal, slightly feeble, and easily forgotten; it is particularly peculiar that I should have hit on Violet as my chosen name.

2. I have a photographic memory. Well, almost. I have a very good memory, anyway; I can still recall huge chunks of rote-learnt rhetoric for school and university exams. Luckily for me, the academic world has a tendency to confuse a good memory with intelligence.

3. I have no artistic ability whatsoever. I'm the world's worst Pictionary player. Never ask me to play because I ruin it for whoever is stuck with me, I get bored and I end up reading a book instead.

4. I have a tendency to fall into water. In my childhood I fell into rivers implausibly often. Now I avoid rivers, lakes and other natural phenomena other than the sea. I've never fallen into the sea, except off a lilo.

5. I read very, very fast. This skill was developed when I was a kid and perfected at university when we had to cover masses of novels every week. It is now less a skill than a terrible character flaw, because it means I finish novels far too fast and then sulk until I can get hold of my next fix.

Reading those random facts back, I realize I don't sound very exciting. Good thing I'm not using my blog as a form of self-promotion...


julie said...

Always interesting to learn a little more!

Freya said...

The memes are fun, albeit geeky in a PC (that's personal computer, not politically correct) way. I've been memed twice now so Paul is going to do the second one. I'm intruiged as to what he'll put!

Anna's kitchen table said...

So how do these memes work then?
Do you have to tag someone else now then?


Kathryn said...

Thanks for your comments. It is funny now!

I do think memes are geeky, actually, I think, but actually I found this one hard - couldn't think of what to say; didn't want to sound arrogant and didn't want to sound horrible!!

Anna I guess I am supposed to tag people. I don't know how to do that though.... help!? Anyone reading who wants to feel tagged, please do!

Kathryn x

Litlove said...

Hello Violet! I'm sorry but that's so amusing. I'm going to be thinking of it every so often and laughing for days now. I enjoyed this altogether - so nice to know these little quirks.

Gemma said...

I've never really understood the tagging thing either! I can sympathise on 2 of your points - I always trip up walking along perfectly normal streets and once fell flat on my face in Tesco to the delight of a small boy who pointed and laughed! I have also always read very very fast - even as a child. Now I get through books stupidly quickly and often have to re read just so that I can spend more time with a book tha I have loved!

Ros said...

I definitely sympathise with number 3. For some reason pictionary STILL seems to be the party game of choice with my friends and to make it worse they make me play it when drunk! No fun!

Tagging just involves picking some blogs you like and sending the writer a message inviting them to do the meme. It's not compulsory. ;)

happyhippychick said...

I sympethise with you on the fast reading... I do the same and and sulk when I have to wait for another fix!

(PS - I got here because I googled something about Malory towers!)